Chancellor's Office

Luis Enrique Palafox Maestre, Ph. D.

President’s Secretary
Cecilia Araiza Terriquez
Direct telephone line: (686)553-44-61, (686)553-46-42
Switchboard number: (686)551-82-22 ext. 33002

Address: Avenida Álvaro Obregón Sin número. Colonia Nueva
Mexicali, Baja California. C.P. 21100
Direct telephone line: (686)553-44-61, (686)553-46-42
Switchboard number: (686)551-82-22
Fax: (686)551-82-22 ext. 33005
Office hours:
9:00am - 2:00pm and 4:00 - 7:00pm
In accordance with Article 72 of the General Statute of the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, the following are the President’s powers and duties:
1. To have legal representation of the University and to delegate it when deemed necessary.
2. To summon the University Council to ordinary and extraordinary sessions under the terms of Article 64 of the General Statute of the UABC.
3. To preside over the sessions of the University Council, execute its resolutions and oversee the exact fulfillment of those entrusted to other authorities or officials of the University, except in the case of veto.
4. To veto general agreements or those related to specific matters issued by the University Council and which are not of a technical nature.
5. To oversee the exact compliance with the provisions issued by the Governing Board.
6. To comply and enforce compliance with the Organic Law and the regulations emanating therefrom.
7. To preserve the University’s autonomy, respecting and enforcing it with all the moral, historical and legal resources within its reach.
8. To ensure the preservation of an order of freedom and responsibility in the University so that it can fulfill the essential purposes that society has entrusted to it.
9. To ensure compliance with the work plans and programs and, in general, with the provisions and agreements that regulate the structure and operation of the University, dictating the necessary measures.
10. To permanently represent the University Council before the Governing Board, the Board of Trustees and other University authorities.
11. To be in charge, in matters not reserved to the Board of Trustees, of the general direction of the government of the University, in accordance with the provisions of the Organic Law and the General Statute of the UABC.
12. Submit an annual report to the University Council, the Governing Board and the Board of Trustees on the activities carried out and the state of the University.
13. To propose to the University Council the designation of the members of the Permanent and Special Commissions and act as ex-officio president thereof.
14. To submit to the consideration of the University Council the study plans and programs, the creation of new programs, faculties, schools, institutes, offices and subjects.
15. To appoint and remove the Secretary General, Vice-Chancellors, Coordinators, General Council, Heads of Office and other officials of administrative units.
16. To create short lists for the appointment of Head of Faculties, Schools and Institutes and submit them to consideration of the Technical Council and Governing Board of the University, according to the established in Articles 28 of the Organic Law and 126 of the University Bylaws.
17. To appoint and dismiss exempt employees.
18. To designate positions of University staff according to the related University Statutes.
19. To grant leaves and permits of academic and administrative staff according to the related clauses and regulations. 20. To apply disciplinary actions and sanctions for faculty members, school officials, students and administrative staff of the University, according to the established in the University Bylaws and other related University Statutes.
21. To appoint a University representative before the Local Conciliation and Arbitration Board.
22. To coordinate the studies aimed at creating and updating the University development plans.
23. To implement policies and programs aimed at the academic and administrative improvement of the University.
24. To create the necessary technical and administrative bodies to lead the general tasks of the University.
25. To issue and sign, together with the General Secretary, the professional degrees and certificates granted by the University to accredit the procurement of a university degree.
26. To solve, in conclusion, the agreements reached by Technical Councils vetoed by the Head of the School.
27. To chair, when deemed convenient, sessions of the Technical Councils of schools, faculties and institutes, without voting rights.
28. To publish in the University Gazette, a University’s official publication, the regulations, provisions and agreements issued by the University Council so that they become effective.
29. In general, to fulfill all other tasks and obligations within the Organic Law, Bylaws and other university regulations.
Position: President
Name of the person in this position: Dr. Luis Enrique Palafox Maestre
Academic Background:
· Ph. D. in Computer Science. Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education of Ensenada, 2009.
· Master Degree in Science with Specialization in Digital Systems. National Polytechnic Institute. Digital Technology Research and Development Center. Tijuana, 2000.
· Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering. Autonomous University of Baja California. Tijuana, 1997.
Work experience:
· Secretary General of the Autonomous University of Baja California, June 2021 to December 2022.
· General Coordinator of Student Services and School Management. Autonomous University of Baja California, January 2019 to June 2021.
· Head of the School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering. Autonomous University of Baja California, June 2010 to January 2019.
· Assistant Director of the School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering. Autonomous University of Baja California. February 2009 to June 2010.
· Full time professor at the School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering. Autonomous University of Baja California, since 1999.
Other activities carried out at UABC
Activities at UABC:
· Thesis Director.
· Publications.
· Presentation of workshops and conferences during academic events.
· Attendance to professional development courses.
· Attendance to teacher training courses
· Participation in collegiate bodies.
Awards obtained:
· Recognition of School Merit for the Computer Engineering study program. Autonomous University of Baja California, 1998.
· 1st place in the 2000 Research Award. Computer Science and Telecommunications Area. National Polytechnic Institute, 2001.
· Network Coordinator certified under ISO 9001:2000 from 2003-1 to 2004-2.
· Recognition in the National System of Researchers. Candidate Level, 2011-2013.
· Recognition in the National System of Researchers. Level 1, 2018-2020.
· PRODEP profile until 2020.
· Recognition in the Awards Program in Recognition of Academic Staff Performance, 2002-2014.
· Best Paper Award at the Latin American Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2009
· Honorary member of the Baja California Firefighters Association, 2010.
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